The 1st Function Point Analysis tool officially contracted by the Federal Government and in use by large Companies and Partners

Function Point Analysis (FPA)

Is a technique used to measure the size of a software. Widely used in various companies and public agencies, the technique created by IBM and evolved by an international user group – International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) – serves to scale the amount of functionality that exists in the development or maintenance of a system.

In the current context of increasing use of FPA for estimation and pricing purposes, the use of a Function Point Analysis Management and Measurement Platform is essential.

This approach will allow:

› Make possible to trace, audit and defend a function point count counting;

› Ensure automatic creation and maintenance of a historical counting base;

› Increase confidence in metric analyst work;

› Streamline Counting Process;

› Provide greater security to the body responsible for estimate the cost and resources required for software development, improvement, and maintenance.

Sizify is the 1st Function Point Analysis software contracted by the Brazilian Federal Government. After a criteria analysis of several national and international tools or Sizify was the winner of the 1st public license in the country offers a more advantageous proposal for the Federal Public Administration, composed by the best technical solution at the lowest market price.

Sizify is fully adherent to IFPUG best practices and recommendations, was officially launched at the International Software Measurement and Analysis Conference in 2011 and features in-country technology.

Main Features and Benefits

Automatic generation and update of Baseline and Historical Base.

Quick recovery of all done counts and all changes history that a system has gone through.

Registration of Unmeasurable Items and Metric Roadmaps, and already adhering to the SISP Metric Roadmap v2.0.

Parameterizable to accept the contractual rules established by the body.

Registration and traceability of all Count informations (ILFs, EIFs, RETs, DETs, FTRs, EIs, EQs, EOs, Purpose, Scope, Boundary, Documentation used, etc.).

100% auditable information for internal and external validation when required.

Automatic validation of CPM counting rules, minimizing counting errors.

Want to understand how it works in practice?


The system adapts to your organization’s counting process

You define the flow, and Sizify implements the defined process.

Visualize management information: Where are the demands? How many PFs have been consumed and how many can still be consumed? What systems and business areas are consuming FPs? How is the productivity of my teams?



    Nossos squads multidisciplinares também entregam tudo pronto ! Desde desde a concepção, design, arquitetura até a execução dentro do prazo e budget.


    O Sizify® por observabilidade e monitoramento ativos, reduz o GAP entre:

    a) experiência do usuário durante o uso;

    b) gestão de confiabilidade de software e ambientes;

    c) exigências de qualidade do produto.


    A analise de ponto de função do Sizify®  garante mais que uma simples medida. É um modelo de governança com apoio de indicadores, frameworks e estimativas de custos e prazos. Identifica  áreas de risco do projeto evitando  rupturas de escopo, prazo e budget.